Monday, March 5, 2012

Dimensional Magic Jewelry

I have been on the lookout for a locket for a little while. I'm being picky about it because I know I will be wearing it for the next few years. (I never take off my current necklace.) I saw this cute charm that was made by Polish the Stars. Her's is actually glass and it's customizable! But.. I'm kinda a DIY girl. So I found a bracelet with a metal ribbon slide that said hope. I put my tiny picture down and put the dimensional magic over the entire thing, giving it that glass-ish look. After it dried (wait the entire 24 hours to touch it! Mine has a finger print!) it turned out great and I just added a ribbon to it. Now I can wear a bracelet with my two favorite boys on it until I find my perfect locket. When I do, I was thinking a little strap of leather could make this a boy-ish cuff bracelet for the little man when he gets bigger.


Raejean said...

So cute! But wait, don't you hate to wear bracelets?

monica. said...

Well, it looks nice in my jewelry box...

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