Monday, June 25, 2012

Boy's Shoes Decorated with Tractors

My little one is getting very mobile, and will hopefully be walking soon. I am trying to get him used to the idea of shoes for when he has to wear them out. We found these cute ones at the store for only five bucks. I loved that they were plain and could be personalized.

Canvas-Type Shoe
Materials for DIY Iron-On(Fusible Webbing, Fabric, Fabric Marker)

1. First you need to make your DIY Iron-On. This one was drawn on with fabric markers and then cut out around the drawing.

2. Next, stuff your shoes with some. Crinkled newspaper or rolled up socks both work great.

3. Place your iron-on where you want it, and iron it on. The iron will have to set on the same place for at least ten seconds.

That's all it takes to add a statement to little man's shoes. Thanks for checking it out! If you enjoyed this project, feel free to subscribe to see all of my future posts.


Wendy said...

Such a great idea. My little guy would love these with some super heros on them!

Monica Grondin said...

Thank you! I was having trouble deciding what to decorate them with, so my husband chose. He told me a loader and a dump truck so I had to google what they looked like exactly. I'll have to keep superheros in mind for when he's bigger!

Anita Rowe Stafford said...

These are adorable! this is exactly what my grandson would have wanted on his shoes when he was that age!

kristi@ishouldbemoppingthefloor said...

Monica-- These are so super cute! Hoping my bigger boys will let me do this to their shoes, too! Thanks so much for linking up last week. Featuring you at Mop It Up Monday...which should post tomorrow afternoon.

Monica Grondin said...

Thank you so much! I'll be checking it out tomorrow!

Monica Grondin said...

Thanks Anita!

tyre balancers said...

Creativity and resourcefulness are the keys of having these pair of shoes worthwhile to have. We are sure that the person who received this would be so glad and happy.

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