Tuesday, November 20, 2012

{Deployment Packages} Christmas Decor Edition

At my house we don't pull out any Christmas Decorations or anything until after Thanksgiving. I didn't think about getting this package out until recently but I really should have had it out a few weeks ago.

I did this same thing for Halloween, I found cheap and flat decorations so that my husband could have fun decorating his room. When I was buying them I knew I could make the same or better.

This time, I was able to find a couple things I could put together easily with the paper I had. I made the paper christmas lights and cut some paper for a paper chain that he can put together there.

The rest of the decoration items are from the dollar section of the store, and I included some candy, cocoa, chapstick, other of his regular goodies. (See Also: Deployment Packaging Station)


Unknown said...

We have adopted a soldier and I am so glad I found your post. I have been trying to figure out what I could send for Christmas! Thanks!!!
I would love for you to add this to my weekly Mom's Library Link-up, along with anything else you wish!
New follower and hope you come check us out!

Be blessed,
Julie @ Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk


Monica Grondin said...

I'm glad I could help! I linked up :)

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! I'm telling my sister whose bf is currently in Afghanistan. I'm sure he would love something like this:)

I found you via Anti-Procrastication Tuesday and I'm your newest follower:)

I hope you'll stop by:)

Eliza K Prints

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