I'm on the countdown for when my husband might supposedly return home. Unfortunately I have cookie gut from sitting on the couch and eating cookies the whole time he was done. My facebook will seem otherwise, because I am just that good. Also, I don't want to change my lifestyle too much because I'm lazy, and because I like cookies.
When I see my cookie gut, I feel bad. When I eat a cookie I feel a little bit better. When I realize I just ate an entire box of girl scout cookies I feel bad again.

My new workout plan is to do 5-10 squats everytime I feel bad about myself or when I eat something I feel bad about. It makes me feel better for the moment, so maybe, just maybe it will pay off later too. Right now I feel bad about myself because I'm out of shape and almost died on a short bike ride today. Ten squats are calling my name... when I get up. I'm sore!! Also, I want to eat the last samoa, but I might not because I don't want to do more squats. See this plan is helping already!
That is a great idea!! If you get to the point you are all squatted out and want a little change up, you could make an exercise jar and put all sorts of exercises (lunges, push-ups, jumping jacks etc...) on little cards. Put it next to the cookie jar and draw one and do it every time you get a cookie :) I think I might just do it too :)
I need to do crazier stuff like that but if it's something that takes too much work to do (like getting down on the floor) I won't do it. I should start a list of easy ones though, lunges and jumping jacks would be good!
I would be doing squats all day long especially with all the Girl Scout cookies in our house!!! I may have to try this since vacation is coming up soon.
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