Monday, February 11, 2013

Road Trip Packing List Printable

I first posted a packing list that touched on what I do for flying and for road trips, but I really do pack much differently for road trips than I do for flying. There is something about having to depend more on yourself that makes me want to be more prepared. I also I wanted a nice printable list so that it was easy to physically check off what was in my bag and in my car so that hopefully I don't forget anything. There are blank spots for anything extra you might want to remember. I usually use this list for 4 days or more. Anything more than 4 days I plan on doing laundry. Check back later, there will be a road trip packing list for toddlers soon!

1 comment:

Mom's Small Victories said...

Nice, I need to do a list like this! Visiting from SITS!

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