Tuesday, April 2, 2013

DIY Toy Hammock

My son is collecting way too many toys, but I have a hard time getting rid of any. I have to start finding ways to organize them better so that they fit in our house! I have a feeling that we will have to turn one of our rooms into a playroom soon.

My inspiration came from The Junk Nest, check out her toy hammock here.

Rope (aka "Clothesline" from the Dollar Tree)

1. Hem the two long edges.

2. Hem the two shorter edges with enough space to fit the rope inside the hem.

3. Slide the rope through each side.

4. Tie rope to crib, bed or wall.

Super complicated, right? If you need help, refer to the drawing below on my super cool legal pad from NAU. (My souvenir from visiting my sister!) Also please pretend that I wasn't drawing it while someone was tugging on my arm and throwing books at me. It is a pretty good drawing for suffering through all that though!

See Also:
The Nursery (that has never been completely finished)
Bathroom Organization
Closet Door Writing


Chelsea B. said...

What a great idea! My son just has like a million stuffed toys in his bed every night. This might help us wean him off of a few. Thanks for sharing.

I'd love for you to check out our pattern party! Those with free patterns and templates to share are invited to link up.

Unknown said...

Yours turned out super cute! I really like it!!!


Monica Grondin said...

Thank you! Thanks again for the idea!

Monica Grondin said...

I hope it helps you with the toys! My sister sleeps on all of hers, she uses a huge frog as a pillow.

Julia Forshee said...

This is ingenious!! I love having the stuffed animals within reach of your sweet baby. Mine would spend his nap throwing each animal across the room:) Thanks for coming to our Link Up Party at allthingswithpurpose.com!!

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