Thursday, September 29, 2011

Boo-ing: Round Two

Did everyone check out the My Memories Giveaway yet? I don't have any entries on it yet, go leave a comment!

Do you know what "Boo-ing" is? Most people that I talk to don't know what it is until I explain it, and then usually they remember hearing about it. It is a fun door-bell ditching activity to do around Halloween. You take a treat or gift of some sort and a print out (a poem with instructions and a picture to tape to the door, meaning "We've already been boo-ed, go spread the Halloween cheer with another neighbor!") Last year I made my own Boo-ing printable, so I could start it around our community, we get to start it Saturday!

Check out last year's post and grab the printable.

This year, I outlined a few containers you could make to put treats in for you neighbors on Arizona Mama. Go check out 3 Easy Boo-ing Ideas!

1 comment:

Dollie @ Dollie Creates said...

This is a super cute idea! I bet your neighbors loving being boo-ed :)


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