Sunday, October 30, 2011

What's in My Wallet

Last Year, had a fun What's in Your Bag Link Party. I linked up My Purses. She's doing it again this year, and because things in my life, especially in the purse department are tons different this year I'm only doing my wallet.

It was fun to look at last year's purse(s). I didn't have a cute kid then, and my purse was full of work and school stuff. And junk. Now, I carry around the diaper bag, which is a whole other story, and just my wallet. Which you will see is not an ordinary wallet. It's interesting to see the women that carry a fully loaded diaper bag and a huge purse at the same time. I couldn't do it. Especially at the doctor's office where you get stuck carrying a carseat, diaper bag and the baby separately. So before the baby was born I majorly purged my purse so that everything could fit in my wallet. Everything I wanted with me, you know, for "just in case" that doesn't melt and didn't fit I put in the car.

As you can see, I have no money in my wallet. There is a pocket for cash and a pocket for coins, they are almost always empty. Coins go in jars when I get home. (One can only fit pennies and dimes, that's for savings. The other jar is for nickels and quarters, it's for yard sales.)

From the top left(I feel the need to explain myself... feel free to just read the bold, or read nothing at all :)

It's one of my many favorites and it's from The Queen Creek Olive Mill.

I don't smoke, but you never know when you'll need it!

Nail Clippers

Hand Cream
I usually have a hotel bottle of lotion, right now I just have this. It bugs me to no end when I have dry hands.

Toothbrush/Pick Thingy
These things are awesome for when you just need a little clean up after lunch

Yes, I know, you're not supposed to fold checks. My husband tells me that all the time. If you need one in an emergency you really don't care. Most of the time, the people taking your money don't either.

Sanitizing Wipes
I take these from restaurants every once in a while, the little packs are perfect if you need them.

Just the last little bit of a pack of gum, all folded up. I hardly chew gum anymore, it's just for if my breath needs it after lunch. (I keep saying after lunch, but it's really for when I'm just out the door and realize I forgot/didn't have time to brush. Don't hate me!)

Always have one. There are extras in the diaper bag too.

Hair Elastics and Bobby Pins
I love this tiny container for them, I think it used to contain a few star shaped erasers.

National Guard Flashlight
I don't know why I carry this, I think my cell phone is brighter. I guess I keep it for in case I need to find my cell phone in the dark.

Business Cards
I have the business cards for my blog, alterations, my mom's blog, and my sister's babysitting. I also found some for my school underneath there.

Jewelry Warranties
I only really wear the same jewelry and whenever we are at the mall I get it cleaned and inspected to keep the warranty up, but I would never think about grabbing these before, so I just carry them always.

Sticky Notes
Phone number and info that hasn't made it into my phone yet, and at this rate never will.

Girly Stuff
There's usually more of this, but I haven't needed it in awhile because of the pregnancy and now breastfeeding. I should probably put more in there for when tragedy occurs. I did notice a few weeks ago that I still have tons in the car though.

Library Card
It's not even mine, it's my husband's. I lost mine and haven't gotten a replacement still.

AAA Card
If I don't use it, I'll be happy, If I do, I'll be happy I had it.

Credit and Debit Cards
They aren't paying me to advertise, but I do like having a red card from Target. 5% off and it comes out of my checking account.

Nail Stuff and Comb
I am off and on about biting my nails so sometimes I try to curb the habit by fixing them up instead. A comb is a lifesaver when you need it. Like I did earlier, and I didn't remember that I had it. Thanks Roo, now I might be able to remember about all this stuff I have with me.

Expired Credit Card, Expired Coupon and Old Receipts are always good to carry around. I'm glad those are cleaned out now!

Gift Cards and Punch Cards
The gifts cards might have a couple of buck or a couple of cents. I just need to actually use them next time I'm buying something there.

I finally got a sideways license, I went in to take a new picture and that wasn't a good idea, I could have done it online. It would have saved time and frustration, plus I would have a little bit of a better picture instead of one where I was gritting my teeth to keep from yelling at the DMV people.

Favorite Pictures
The first one is me and my husband on a hike while we were dating, the second was from our wedding, and the third is my two boys the day my son was born. That's the best part of my wallet, I enjoy seeing them whenever I open it.

Be sure to stop over to Nice Girl Notes and put up a picture of your purse and the junk in it, so I can be nosy too!

1 comment:

Roo {NiceGirlNotes} said...

I love that you have pictures in there!! They are beautiful! :D

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