Sunday, November 27, 2011

Nursing Cover / Bath Apron

I'm just going to say it, I think I'm a genius.(Thanks to my friend Shenanigans and my husband to making me feel justified in thinking it!) Why am I? Well I have an awesome nursing cover (I really do love it, and use it all the time) that my aunt made me. It's a blanket with a strap. When I was packing light to go hiking I didn't pack it because of space. I did pack a blanket, and if I would have made this strap sooner it would have been perfect. This strap clips onto any blanket or thing that you already have. Receiving blanket? Nursing Cover, done. Large shirt? Done. Towel? Bath Apron, done. See, I told you I was a genius.

I used mitten clips from the dollar section in Target, elastic and a couple of long strips of fabric.

Sew the fabric together and thread the elastic through it. Then tuck the tail of the elastic through the mitten clip and then back under the fabric. Sew the edge of the fabric to the elastic.

Next time I find mitten clips I will be making more and have a better detailed tutorial.

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