Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I Alter My Underwear

This is another odd post, don't worry there won't be any pictures of my actual underwear, I took the picture from UwearUSA.com and showed you how I changed them.

As you know, I'm super cheap. When I saw a 10-pack of underwear on clearance at Wal-mart I grabbed them without looking too much at them. It turned out they were on clearance because the picture on the front was different than what was in the package, but I needed them. After awhile of hating them, I finally came up with a solution to make them work.

I took the two red lines and pinned them together. I sewed them, with a long straight stitch as I stretched it. (See my headband post, I did the same thing) I cut off the excess and they were done. It made them fit much better, more like the bikini cut I usually buy. This was easy and they make me feel good, especially for something so cheap.

1 comment:

monica. said...

I bet there would be a way to take in the bum on them... It would be interesting! Honestly though, most of my underwear still aren't altered, I just wear them anyway under jeans. Thanks for commenting!

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