Thursday, March 8, 2012

No-Sew "Take Luck" Pennant

Like my Brian Regan reference? If you don't get the joke, listen to it here. If it's not a running joke in your area, there are a million different things you could put instead. The joy of crafting is the personalization!

I saw this cute printable banner for St. Patrick's Day but I don't have any ink in my printer and I'm trying to do with out as long as I can. That being said I also scored some St. Patrick's Day material from a big find at a yard sale recently. For these small holidays I don't usually keep my decorations so this is a quick easy project that could fall apart by next year.

Green Fabric of Some Sort
White or Contrast Fabric

1. Fold your fabric so that there are 8 layers.

2. Cut a banner-like triangle.

3. Use white fabric and cut out your letters.

4. Glue your letters to your triangles. I used tacky glue. If you use it, make sure you have something beneath it may bleed through just enough to make things a little sticky!

5. Cut slits in the top corners of each triangle. These holes will be used to string them together.

6. String them together, I had a preschooler help me with this, we just used yarn and she had fun pulling the yarn.

That's it! Quick and easy is how I like my holiday crafts! But as I'm told, I only like to do holiday crafts for the holiday's that I enjoy. And those are pretty much just the fall holidays. The springtime ones get on my nerves after the 40th themed post showing up in my reader! Haha I vent about that in my Valentine's Day post!

1 comment:

April said...

Ha! Love Brian Regan.

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