Thursday, November 15, 2012

Mail Time: Postcards for Daddy

With a deployed husband we try to send him things pretty often, whether they are e-mails, letters or packages. I think he enjoys what we send him. It's hard to figure out what he really feels with this distance.

One thing I have had fun doing is letter our toddler get involved with sending stuff to Daddy. The toddler can help pick out postcards from the rack, or help chew on the postcards or bend them. I know he doesn't really understand but I let him color in crayon or highlighter on whatever I send and I write in pen. That way you can see both of our messages on the same postcard. It works well, usually. One thing I have learned was that if you use a gel pen, don't let the toddler kiss the postcard because it may smear the mailing address.

Other Toddler Activities:
Pinned it, Did It: Tube Play and Finger Paints in a Bag
Toy Laptop