Friday, November 16, 2012

The Rock Climbing One Year Old

My husband and I used to both be outdoorsy people. That was a few years ago. We would still like to be, but we spent 3 years of working different schedules and our together time became meals, shopping or tv time because we didn't have the time to drive to somewhere "outdoorsy" and we don't have much close, or the weather is too warm.

I was able to go out in a Jeep this past weekend, and we stopped by some cool places in the desert. My son got out and walked around with us. He has just been learning to run and was tripping over everything at first. He's not used to obstacles in his way (ok, other than his toys that don't get picked up).

I was amazed that when we got to an area with some large rocks that he started trying to climb right up. He did a great job with it, until he tried using his knees rather than his shoes to get to the top. With holding our hands he made it up to the top of the rocks he was trying to climb and walked around on everything without getting a concussion, so I consider it a success. He must have the bouldering already programmed into his mind from our genes. It was a very exciting thing to see and has me getting ready to enjoy the great outdoors with him more.

1 comment:

Mommy's Always Write said...

I bet he loved the freedom and new experience! My oldest wanted nothing to do with climbing, but my youngest has been climbing since before he could walk! Happy Sharefest!

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