Thursday, January 24, 2013

Bathroom Organization

I have been on a kick of cleaning my bathroom. It started with covering the hole in the door, and now I'm organizing everything in the drawers and cabinets.

Today I decorated an empty waffle box so I can put all of our first aid/medical supplies in it. It was just spray painted and covered with cute duct tape, but it works well. It's pretty cute for something that hides in the cupboard.

Yesterday I made a tray to store my nail polish. The tutorial for the tray is over at Arizona Mama. I made it almost for free, but luckily I had the cute duct tape on hand. Click here to see the tutorial.


Audra @ Renewed Projects said...

What a cute idea! And a great upcycle on an everyday item.

Monica Grondin said...

Thank you!

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