Thursday, August 29, 2013

5 Reasons I Love My Husband

This isn't a post to make anyone jealous, I'm just trying to show off my husband a little bit and show that I am thankful for everything that he does for me and for who he is. I recently started reading The Happy Wives Club blog and it's been helping me remember to think positively about my marriage and try to show it. I usually have a hard time showing it, so hopefully this will help!

1. He works hard for our family. He works a job where he has to get up super early and he is not a morning person, so it really means alot to me that he works for us. He also went through a 9 month deployment for us recently. I know it was hard for him, I'm so glad that he did it for us though.

2. He takes the time to listen to me. He also lets me get my way, alot. He always tells me that if I'm happy, he's happy.

He even let my son help him with fixing the Jeep
3. He tries to be cheap like I am, and DIY stuff. Like fixing the Jeep. He saved us thousands of dollars by staying up super late to finish fixing the truck so that I could use it the next day. (See number one where he is not a morning person and had to get up early. 
Look how young he was in 2008!

4. He loves kids. My little brother and sister were young when we started dating and he was great with them. It made me love him more right away! The picture of him and my brother has always been one of my favorite pictures.

5. He does things that he doesn't want to do, for me. Like wearing this bright blue tie so that it matched my awesome dress when we went on our cruise this summer. He didn't want to dress up either.

He also tries to eat new things. That's a hard one for him, he likes staying in his comfort zone of food and hates trying new things. It may take some nagging but he does try new food for me. It really amazes me what he drags his feet on eating though. Who doesn't want to try delicious frosting? Or candy? Or pie? I'm glad he does try new things though, because we have found some great new recipes and some of his favorite places to eat.


Anonymous said...

He sounds like a pretty awesome person. You're a lucky woman :)

Ngina said...

Awww, great post Monica! You have a wonderful husband and God bless you and your family! I did a similar post sometimes back titled "29 reasons i love my husband". :)I Love yours! I am dropping in via Happy Wives Club linkup, Ngina @ Intentional Today

Nicole NA said...

Hi Monica,

I came over from the Happy Wives blog hop and I'm glad I picked your blog as the first to read. I love this post. Your husband sounds like a really amazing guy. Thanks for sharing.

Fawn Weaver said...

Love this! He definitely sounds like an amazing man. You are one of the lucky ones (and it sounds like you know it :)). Thanks for joining the Happy Wives Club link up :).

Fawn Weaver said...

BTW- The Safety Collar ad on the left is blocking a portion of your comment box on my screen (I'm using Google Chrome so it could just be that way on my browser).

Monica Grondin said...

Thanks for letting me know! Blogger freaked out on me. Thanks for hosting the link-up and stopping by as well!

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